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CV. HONEST STAR | | Marine Equipment and Supplies | | Forestry Equipment and Supplies | | Light Constructions Tools
CV. HONEST STAR | | Marine Equipment and Supplies | | Forestry Equipment and Supplies | | Light Constructions Tools
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CV. HONEST STAR | | Marine Equipment and Supplies | | Forestry Equipment and Supplies | | Light Constructions Tools

CV. Honest Star
Jl. Raya Pos Pengumben No. 29 Kelapa Dua
Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat 11550 Indonesia
Telp : ( 021 ) 9684 5080
Website :
Email : info@

Pembayaran dapat melalui rekening :
â € ¢ Bank Mandiri
Atas Nama : CV. Honest Star
No. Rek : 16500 - 1995 - 1996
Cabang : KCP Jakarta Kelapa Dua
Kota : Jakarta Barat

â € ¢ Bank BCA
Atas Nama : CV. Honest Star
No. Rek : 4910 - 333 - 050
Cabang : KCP Relasi Indah
Kota : Jakarta Barat

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