NU HAWKEYE Spy Sunglasses 4GB+ DigiCam+ VideoCam+ MP3
Kaca Mata ber-Kamera Digital dgn Internal Memory 4GB .
Plus Video-Camera Camcorder dan MP3 Player skaligus ? ! ?
RayBan Futuristik & Stylish. Potret dan Rekam Video apa yg
anda lihat dgn tanpa mencolok sambil mendengarkan lagu MP3
Koleksi Favorit. Kaca-Mata HawkEye Merupakan Perlengkapan
Ideal para Sekuriti, Satuan Pengamanan, Satuan PatWal, Body
Guard, Tim Sar, Life Guard kolam renang, Pengawas Pantai Bay
Watch, dll. Memotret Tamu, Pengunjung, Bangunan, Foto barang
bukti dll secara Praktis, Spontan dan Instan !
Rasakan Sensasi ber-lakon ala James Bond, Jason Bourne ! ! !
Pake RayBan Hawk-Eye, tampang seperti Pasukan Khusus DENSUS 88 ( sukarelawan) : -) !
Hawkeye Sunglasses is the newest and most advanced spy camera with built in Video Recorder in the world. Unlike
other device of this type, This new multi-media device merges video, camera, music player, and sunglasses all into
one. Not only do they protect your eyes, look cool, you also get to bring the sound to enjoy and take home the sight to
admire - all that on you nose.
Features & Specifications
⢠Video Recorder + Digital Camera + Music Player + Flash Memory Storage 4GB
⢠Video resolution: 640à 480; video file format: AVI, Video storage: 30min/ GB
⢠Available camera resolutions: 1.3/ mega pixels; photo format: JPG
⢠Photo storage: 10, 000 photos/ GB
⢠Camera focus range: 0.3m~ infinity
⢠Support remote-control photo-shooting
⢠Camera RF remote control frequency: 433MHz
⢠RTC ( real time clock) to keep accurate time of videos and photos
⢠Battery : macromolecule polymer li-ion rechargeable battery ( 3.7V) ]
⢠Battery recharging time: 2 hours
⢠Battery life: 1.5 hours for video-recording
⢠4 hours for photo-shooting
⢠3 hours for music
⢠Build-in USB memory storage 4GB, USB 2.0 interface
⢠Standard Mini USB port for upload, download & recharge
⢠Durable hi-quality light-weight frame
⢠UV400 anti-scratch Polarized lens
⢠Replaceable flip-up lens
⢠Stereo headphones
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Phone : ( 021) 6882 6710 / ( 021) 7090 5889
SMS : 0816 481 5887 - 0813 87511 835
Email : sales@
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