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Gabe Sukses Instrument
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    SL-4010 Digital Sound Level Meter - LUTRON, Hubungi Andikah - 021-94684269 - 082110029669 - Email gabesukses@

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    SL-4010 Digital Sound Level Meter

    SOUND LEVEL METER SL-4010 Digital Sound Level Meter is rugged and ergonomically built to fit in the palm of your hand.


    * Large LCD display, easy to read
    * Characteristic of " A" frequency weighting network are designed to meet IEC 651 type 2
    * " Fast" time weighting characteristic mode
    * Built-in adj. VR is available for easy calibration
    * Condenser microphone for high accuracy & long-term stability
    * Hold function to freeze the display value
    * Warning indicator for over and under range
    * LCD display for low power consumption & clear read-out even in bright ambient light condition
    * Durable, long-lasting components, including a strong, light weight ABS-plastic housing case
    * Small and light weight design allow one hand operation
    * Low battery indicator
    * High quality with economical cost
    * Supplied with 9V battery and instruction manual

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