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Nama:Tn. EPH Rudy Wiyono
E-mail:Kirim Pesan
Nomor Ponsel:Nomor ponsel Tn. EPH Rudy Wiyono di Jakarta - Selatan
Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Tn. EPH Rudy Wiyono di Jakarta - Selatan
Alamat:Jakarta - Selatan, Jakarta
Rata-rata Tinjauan PemakaiTidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan
Tanggal Bergabung:25 Jun. 2024
Terakhir Diperbarui:24 Feb. 2013
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Dagang dari kategori Komputer & Software

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NeuSoft Internet Gateway Best on China

Neteye has been widely accepted in the local market and ranked in the leading security brands for seven consecutive years.
--- IDC China. @ 2008

Neteye Firewall has secured the largest market share in China for seven consecutive years, while the Neteye IDS remaining in top three with a 10.4% market share for four consecutive years, and SOC in top three with a 14.2% market share for three consecutive years.
--- CCID Media. @ 2010

Our Product

PT. Mitra Servisindo Utama adalah distributor NeuSoft di Indonesia. Neusoft Integrated Security Gateway ( NISG) merupakan gateway yang didesain dalam bentuk modul dan terintegrasi dengan :
â ¢ Firewall
â ¢ Virtual Private Network / VPN ( IPSec VPN & SSL VPN)
â ¢ Defence terhadap serangan DoS / DDos
â ¢ Intrusion Prevention System ( IPS)
â ¢ Antiâ Virus
â ¢ Antiâ Spam
â ¢ Uniform Resources Locater / URL Filtering
â ¢ Control & identifikasi terhadap protocol aplikasi.
Konklusinya NeuSoft NISG merupakan merupakan produk dengan solusi all-in-one security.

Selain produk Internet Gateway, PT. Mitra Servisindo Utama juga merupakan distributor produk Bandwith Management & Web Caching dari Allot Communication. Allot NetEnfocer didesain untuk mengatur traffic internet. Device Allot NetEnfocer sangat handal untuk dipergunakan pada network dalam skala enterprise dan juga menyediakan monitoring secara real-time, report dan pembuatan policy. Allot Communication sendiri memiliki berbagai type, seperti : Allot AC-500 series, AC-1400 series, AC-3000 series & Web Caching Allot MediaSwift. Pada saat ini produk dari Allot Communication sudah banyak di pergunakan di berbagai perusahaan, antara lain : Velo Network, SOGO, Otsuka, US Embassy, Sekretariat Negara, Departemen Kesehatan, Indah Jaya, Stategy Partner Solution ( SPS) , First Media, Gramedia, BNI, Danone, Berlian Sistem Informasi ( BSI) , MPM, Kalbe Farma dll.

Brosur datasheet NeuSoft untuk semua type & brosur Allot Communication untuk semua type, anda bisa mengirim E-Mail ke PT. Mitra Servisindo Utama. Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai produk Internet Gateway, Bandwidth Management & Web Caching dengan senang hati kami PT. Mitra Servisindo Utama mempresentasikan produk tersebut di perusahaan anda. Kami juga menyediakan demo produk / POC ( Proof of Concept) di system jaringan computer perusahaan anda.Permintaan brosur datasheet produk, presentasi produk & demo produk / POC ( Proof of Concept) silahkan hubungi E-mail :

Enrico M. Tanzil dengan E-Mail : enrico@
atau Rudy dengan E-mail : rudi@

Saat ini kami juga terbuka bagi anda yang berminat sebagai partner / re-seller untuk kota â kota di Indonesia. Bagi yang berminat menjadi partner / re-seller untuk product Neusoft Neteye NISG & Allot Communication, bisa menghubungi :

E.P.H. Rudi Wiyono
E-Mail : rudi@
Mobile Phone : 0812 18 125 245
Website : http: / /
IT Service & Solution
Allot â Authenex â Certes - Neusoft
Komplek Golden Plaza Blok D-16
Jln. RS. Fatmawati No. 15 Jakarta 12420
Telp : + 62 ( 21) 766 1238. Fax : + 62 ( 21) 766 1239.

NetEye Awards
Yearà ½ Awards
2001 1999
2001 China Top 10 Firewall Enterprise for Product& Service Satisfaction
2001 Smart Buyer Certificate NetEye
2002 Certificate for Trust-worthy Enterprise with 315 Zero-complaint for Product and Service in firewall product user survey.
2002 Firewall Certificate NetEye
2002 Best Service Implementation Certificate for Firewall
2002 2002 User Recommended Product Certificate( Firewall 3.1)
2002 China Information World Editorâ s Choice 2002
2002 CCID Annual Excellence Award for Firewall 2002
2002 Certificate of Annual Recommend Excellent Software 2002
2003 China 20-year User-trust Information Security Software Product.
2003 User Recommended Firewall Product 2003 ( China Network Security System Firewall User Conference)
2003 Neusoft NetEye Firewall System Awarded as â Excellent Software in Liaoning Province 2002â
2003 China Information World Editorâ s Choice 2003
2004 China Network Security System Firewall Technology and Application Conference 2004
2004 Neusoft NetEye Firewall Awarded as Best Firewall Brand in China Network Technology and Product Survey 2004
2004 China IT User Satisfaction Survey Best Service Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty for firewall product 2004
2004 Neusoft new NP structure Firewall awarded as China Information World Editorâ s Choice 2004-2005
2005 Annual Successful Enterprise in China Firewall product market 2004
2005 User Recommended Firewall
2005 Excellent Software Product in the 3rd China International Software & Information Service Fair
2005 Gold Award in the 9th China International Software Expo
2006 Neusoft Enterprise NP Firewall awarded as
China Computer World Product of the Year
2006 CPW Annual Awards 2005-2006 Spot-light Product â Neusoft Enterprise 4016 Firewallâ
2006 Neusoft FW5200 Firewall awarded as
China Information World Editorâ s Choice 2005
2006 Neusoft awarded as Most Valuable Enterprise in Annual China Firewall Product Market 2005-2006
2006 China Information Security Firewall Trust-worthy Brand 2006
2006 Gold Award in the 10th China International Software Expo Firewall 5200
2007 Annual Successful Enterprise in China Firewall product market 2006
2008 China Information World Editorâ s Choice 2007
2008 2007 Recommended Product for China Computer World Lab Authorized Network Security Gigabyte Firewall
China Computer World Product of the Year 2007
2008 Successful Brand Enterprise in Chinese Communication Market
2008 China Information Security Trust-worthy Brand 2008
2008 Neusoft NetEye FW5200 awarded as
Computer Partner World 10th Anniversary Special â Channel Recommended Productâ
2008 NetEye Firewall awarded as Top 100 China Informationization Application Solution 2008
2008 Gold Award Neusoft NetEye FW5200 high-end firewall
2008 Neusoft NetEye FW5200 Firewall awarded as 2008 China Information Security Green Firewall
2008 Neusoft NetEye awarded as â Star Brand in Green Security Productâ
2009 Annual Successful Enterprise in China Firewall product market 2008
2009 Communications Security Guard Award
2009 Achievement in the Decade Exhibit

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