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Tn. Ali Arief Fadillah [Pemasaran]
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Nomor telpon Tn. Ali Arief Fadillah di jakarta
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Nomor ponsel Tn. Ali Arief Fadillah di jakarta
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Nomor faks Tn. Ali Arief Fadillah di jakarta
jl Karet Ps Baru timur XIV no 49
jakarta 10220, Jakarta
Bergerak di bidang alat-alat survey dan navigasi, seperti : Total Station, Theodolite, Automatic Level, Binoculars, Kompas, Clinometer, Altimeter, Suunto Tandem, Waterpass, GPS, dan Alat-alat Geologi.
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Thuraya Marine delivers high-performance, [2 Nov. 2011, 4:38:51]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Thuraya Marine delivers high-performance, seamless satellite communication for all types of maritime vessels travelling throughout Thuraya’ s coverage area. Whether on a mission-critical call or keeping in touch with family and friends, Thuraya Marine keeps you connected.

Giving you access to communication when you need it most, Thuraya Marine allows you to harness the advantages of cutting-edge technology from any maritime location. Combining quality and performance, Thuraya Marine is a communication solution without boundaries.

Receive all the information you need to make timely decisions, with the reliability and reassurance of Thuraya’ s satellite network covering more than 140 countries in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Europe.

The sleek and compact Thuraya Marine terminal enables seafarers on all types of vessels to access a broad range of communication solutions and applications. Make voice calls, transmit/ receive data, connect to the Internet, or send SMS, faxes and email with Thuraya Marine.

With Thuraya Marine, you are never at sea.

http: / /

em ail: aliarief.fadillah@

Hub : Ali arief

Tlp : 021-34191199
Hp : 0812-88179349 / 085880534449
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