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AQUAFINE Ultraviolet Water Sterilizer | UV Aquafine | Aquafine UV
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AQUAFINE Ultraviolet Water Sterilizer | UV Aquafine | Aquafine UV | AQUAFINE Ultraviolet Water Sterilizer | UV Aquafine | Aquafine UV | AQUAFINE Ultraviolet Water Sterilizer | UV Aquafine | Aquafine UV | AQUAFINE Ultraviolet Water Sterilizer | UV Aquafine | Aquafine UV | AQUAFINE Ultraviolet Water Sterilizer | UV Aquafine | Aquafine UV | AQUAFINE Ultraviolet Water Sterilizer | UV Aquafine | Aquafine UV | aquafine | Aquafine

Ultraviolet Technology
Light is electromagnetic radiation, or radiant energy traveling in the form of waves. Ultraviolet ( UV) energy is found in the electromagnetic spectrum between visible light and x-rays and can best be described as invisible radiation. The energy employed for UV water treatment is further categorized into two primary levels measured as wavelengths - 254nm and 185nm, where nm = 1/ 1000 of a micron. For disinfection and ozone destruction applications, the 254nm wavelength is utilized. For TOC reduction and chlorine destruction applications a unique wavelength is utilized.

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