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Call : 0813.23293160 ~ * SERANGKAI SURVEY * ~ Digital Theodolite, Total Station, Automatic Level, GPS Garmin, Kompas, Handy Talky dll

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Call : 0813.23293160 ~ * SERANGKAI SURVEY * ~ Digital Theodolite,  Total Station,  Automatic Level,  GPS Garmin,  Kompas,  Handy Talky dll
Call : 0813.23293160 ~ * SERANGKAI SURVEY * ~ Digital Theodolite, Total Station, Automatic Level, GPS Garmin, Kompas, Handy Talky dll

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  • Kompas Brunton 5010 ( super metal )

    Kompas Brunton 5010 ....

    Rp. 7.250.000

    Brunton 5010

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  • Total Station Topcon Gowin TKS 202

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  • Digital Theodolite Sokkia DT-740

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  • Automatic Level Sokkia B20

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  • Automatic Level Sokkia B40

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  • Total Station Nikon Nivo 5C

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    * High quality Nikon optics
    * Intuitive powerful software
    * Fast, accurate EDM
    * Prism and reflectorless measurements
    * Easy-to-use keypad
    * Hot swappable....

  • Total Station Nikon Nivo 3C

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    * High quality Nikon optics
    * Intuitive powerful software
    * Fast, accurate EDM
    * Prism and reflectorless measurements
    * Easy-to-use keypad
    * Hot swappable....

  • Total Station Nikon Nivo 2C

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    Main Features

    * High quality Nikon optics
    * Intuitive powerful software
    * Fast, accurate EDM
    * Prism and reflectorless measurements
    * Easy-to-use keypad
    * Hot swappable....

  • Telepon Satelit Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro

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  • Digital Theodolite Topcon DT-205 DT205L DT-209 DT-209L

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    Product Digital Theodolite Topcon yang kami jual, ....

  • Digital Theodolite Nikon NE-103

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    Main Features:
    â ¢ 5 or 103 ( 5/ 10mgon, 0.01/ 0.02mil) angle reading,
    10 or 203 ( 2/ 5mgon, 0.05/ 0.01mil) angle reading for NE-100
    â ¢ Manganese batteries with 22 hour....

  • Automatic Level Nikon AP-8

    Automatic Level....


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    * Models : AP-8
    * Compact and lightweight
    * Water-resistant construction
    * Magnetic-dampened automatic compensator
    * Horizontal tangent knobs with....

  • Automatic Level Nikon AC-2S

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    Yang hemat, ringkas dan ringan AC-2S meliputi sebuah compensator dengan alat pengatur damper magnetis yang otomatis mengukur baris dari penglihatan. Dengan sebuah....

  • Total Station Nikon DTM-322

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  • Digital Theodolite Topcon DT-205

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    Specification :

    Magnification : 30x
    Circle Diameter : 45mm
    Accuracy : 5â
    Minimum Reading : 1â
    Minimum Distance : 0.7 Meter
    Display : 2 Display
    Battery : 4AA....

  • Total Station Topcon GTS-102N

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  • Kompas FREIBERG,  Kompas Geologi Freiberg

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    Surveying of open pit or underground workings
    Transfer of geological data onto maps....

  • Garmin GPS 60

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  • Digital Theodolite Topcon DT-209L ( Laser )

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  • Automatic Level Topcon AT-B4

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    Automatic Level Topcon AT-B4 perangkat kerja ringkas dalam bidang surveyor, dengan sedikit pengaturan tidak membuat anda pusing dalam survey luas dan jarak pandang cukup jauh dan....

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