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    Obstetrics Illustrated: 7e

    Obstetrics Illustrated: 7e

    Rp. 842,615.00
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    Obstetrics Illustrated: 7e

    Author Information:
    Kevin Hanretty, MD, FRCOG, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, The Queen Mother' s Hospital, Glasgow; Honorary Senior Clinical University Teacher, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK

    This popular guide uses illustrations and concise, integrated text to describe the essentials of obstetric practice today. From the physiology of reproduction through antenatal care and disorders in pregnancy to labour and the puerperium period, readers will find an easy-to-grasp presentation of the field' s most important issues.

    Medical students and junior trainees in family medicine and ob/ gyn, Midwifery students and midwives, ob/ gyn nursing students

    1. Physiology of reproduction
    2. Fetal and maternal physiology
    3. Obstetrical anatomy
    4. Diagnosis of pregnancy
    5. Antenatal care
    6. Assessment of the fetus
    7. Diseases of pregnancy
    8. Systemic diseases in pregnancy
    9. Vaginal bleeding in pregnancy
    10. Multiple pregnancy and other antenatal complications
    11. Normal labour
    12. Abnormal labour
    13. Abnormalities of the third stage of labour and of the placenta and cord
    14. Obstetrical operations and maternal injuries
    15. Puerperium: normal and abnormal
    16. The newborn baby
    17. Maternal and perinatal mortality
    18. Contraception
    = =
    = =

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