Anggota Gratis
 Katalog Produk:HD32.2 WBGT Index   HD32.3 WBGT PMV AREA HEAT STRESS MONITOR  Katalog Produk:RAIN DETECTOR, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:THREE AXIS ULTRASONIC ANEMOMETER, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD2205.2   HD2206.2   HD2256.2   HD2259.2   HD22569.2 pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and temperature, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD25.2 Turbidity, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD 2010Integrating Sound Level Meter   Portable Analyzer, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:ANEMOMETER/ THERMO ANEMOMETERS HD2103.1 AND HD2103.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:DISSOLVED OXYGEN ( DO Meter)   DATA LOGGER DO9709, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:PORTABLE MULTIFUCTION DATA LOGGER INSTRUMENT DO 9847, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:DUAL REGULATING INDICATOR WITH MICROPROCESSOR CONFIGURATION AND TWO INPUTS, FOR VOLTAGE OR CURRENT DO9404,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:CONFIGURABLE MICROPROCESSOR INDICATOR CURRENT OR VOLTAGE INPUT HD9022,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:CONDUCTIVITY TRANSMITTERS DO9786T R1   DO9766T R1,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:Passive pressure transmitters with DIN 43650   45326 connector HD 2004T   HD 20V4T   HD9408T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:RELATIVE OR DIFFERENTIAL ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS HD 408T   HD 4V8T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:Transmitters for illuminance and irradiance measurements HD 2021T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:pH/mV TRANSMITTER DO 9403T R1,  Merk : Deltaohm  Katalog Produk:DO 9785T/DO 9765T pH transmitters,  Merk : Deltaohm  Katalog Produk:HD 2010UC/A Integrating Sound Level Meter   Portable Analyzer, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:pH METER   CONDUCTIVITY METER   THERMOMETER HD2156.1 AND HD2156.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:CONDUCTIVITY METERS   THERMOMETERS HD2106.1 AND HD2106.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD9008TR   HD9009TR RH AND TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERS,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:INDICATORS OF TEMPERATURE, HUMIDITY, PRESSURE AND AIR SPEEDENVIRONMENTAL MEASUREMENTS WITH DIGITAL OR ANALOG OUTPUT HD2001   HD2001.1.2.3,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:ACTIVE AND PASSIVE TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY TRANSMITTER DO 9861T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:ACTIVE TRANSMITTER AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY HYGROSTAT HD 2017T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:ACTIVE HUMIDITY AND HUMIDITY TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERSWITH CONFIGURABLE TEMPERATURE WORKING RANGE HD 2011T   HD 2012T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:PASSIVE 4÷20MA HUMIDITY AND TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERS WITH CONFIGURABLE TEMPERATURE WORKING RANGE HD2007T   HD2008T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:PASSIVE HYGROTRANSMITTER HD797T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:SIGNAL CONVERTERS / AMPLIFIERS WITH 4÷20mA OR 0÷10Vdc OUTPUT CONFIGURABLE WITH HD788 TCAL BY PC THROUGH RS232C,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:THE HD 588 MODULAR SIGNAL CONVERTER,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:THE HD 688T MODULAR TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:Pt100 SIMULATOR HD2047,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:CONFIGURABLE TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERS 4÷20 mA FOR Pt100 SENSORS HD 788TR1   HD 788TR1 I   HD 786TR1   HD 988TR1 HD 988TR1 I   HD 988TR2,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD2717T Transmitter, indicator, ON/OFF regulator, temperature and humidity data logger with interchangeable probe, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD3604T…, HD36V4T… Relative Pressure Transmitters,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD2013 TIPPING BUCKET RAIN GAUGE & HD2013 D DATALOGGER TO MEASURE RAINFALL,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:LP UVB 02 RADIOMETRIC PROBE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL USE,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:LP PHOT 02 PHOTOMETRIC PROBE, LP UVA 02 RADIOMETRIC PROBE,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:PYRANOMETERS   ALBEDOMETERS   NET IRRADIANCE METER,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD 9408T BARO, HD 9408TR BARO, HD 9908T BARO, HD 9408PS 50 Barometric pressure transmitters Static port for barometric measurements,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:QUANTUM PHOTO RADIOMETER AND THERMOMETER   DATALOGGER DO 9721,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD32.7   HD32.8.8   HD32.8.16,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD3405.2   HD3406.2   HD3409.2   HD3456.2 pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and temperature,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD 98569 pH   Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen   Temperature, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:DISSOLVED OXYGEN   TEMPERATURE METERS HD2109.1 AND HD2109.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:pH METER   CONDUCTIVITY METER   THERMOMETER HD2156.1 AND HD2156.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:CONDUCTIVITY METER   THERMOMETER HD2306.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:pH AND mV SIMULATOR HD9609, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:TEMPERATURE pH METER HD2305.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:TEMPERATURE   pH METERS HD2105.1 AND HD2105.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:CALIBRATORS FOR SOUND LEVEL METERS HD9101 AND HD9102, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD 2110 Integrating Sound Level Meter â€“ Portable Analyzer, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD 2010UC Integrating Sound Level Meter, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD 2010 MCTC  Integrated Sound level meter approved by the Ministry of Transport, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:PHOTO RADIOMETER HD2302.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:PHOTO RADIOMETERS HD2102.1 AND HD2102.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:MICROMANOMETERS WITH PITOT TUBE THERMOMETERS HD2114P.0, HD2114P.2, HD2134P.0, HD2134P.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:DO2003 AIR SPEED AND FLOW RATE   TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE/RELATIVE HUMIDITY   PRESSURE, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:THERMO ANEMOMETER HD2303.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:MICROMANOMETER   THERMOMETER HD2114.0, HD2114.2, HD2134.0, HD2134.2, HD2164.0, HD2164.0BAROMETER   THERMOMETER HD2114B.0, HD2114B.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:MANOMETER   THERMOMETER  HD2304.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:MANOMETER   THERMOMETER HD2124.1 AND HD2124.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HYGRO THERMOMETER HD2301.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HYGRO THERMOMETERS HD2101.1 AND HD2101.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:THERMOCOUPLE THERMOMETER WITH TWO INPUTS HD2328.0,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:THERMOCOUPLE THERMOMETERS: K, J, T, N, R, S, B, E,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:RTD â€“ TC  THERMOMETERSPt100 AND TC INPUT, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:RTD  THERMOMETERS HD2307.0SENSORS: Pt100, Pt1000  Katalog Produk:RTD THERMOMETERS HD2107.1 AND HD2107.2 SENSORS: Pt100, Pt1000, Ni1000, NTC 
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Area heat stress monitor data logger alat untuk mengukurindex suhu ruangan dengan menggunakan sensor bola basah dan kering sangat cocok di ruangan kerja.

HD32.2 – WBGT Index is an instrument made by Delta Ohm srl for the analysis
of WBGT index ( Wet Bulb Glob Temperature: wet bulb temperature and globe
thermometer temperature) in presence or in absence of solar radiation.
Reference Regulations:
ISO 7243: Hot environments. Estimation of the heat stress on working man,
based on WBGT index ( wet bulb temperature and Globe thermometer) .
ISO 8996: Ergonomics of the thermal environment – Determination of the energy
ISO 7726: Ergonomics of the thermal environment – Instruments for measuring
physical quantities.
The instrument is provided with three inputs for probes with SICRAM module: the
SICRAM module interface between the instrument and sensor connected and
communicate the sensor parameters and calibration data to the instrument.
All SICRAM probes can be plugged into any of the inputs: they are automatically
recognized upon turning the Instrument on.
The main features of the instrument are:
• Logging: data acquisition and logging to the integral instrument memory.
Storage capacity: 64 different logging sections, sample interval, user
• You can set the automatic logging start with auto-start function( Start/ Stop
time ) .
• The measurement unit of the temperature: ° C, ° F, ° K.
• Date and time of the instrument.
• The display of maximum, minimum, medium statistic parameters and their
• The data transfer speed via the RS232 serial port.
HD32.2 instrument can detect simultaneously the following quantities:
• Globe thermometer temperature Tg.
• Wet bulb temperature with natural ventilation Tn.
• Environment temperature T.
Starting from the detected values, HD32.2 can calculate:
• WBGT( in) index ( Wet Bulb Glob Temperature: wet bulb temperature and Globe
thermometer) in absence of solar radiation.
• WBGT( out) index ( Wet Bulb Glob Temperature wet bulb temperature and
Globe thermometer) in presence of solar radiation.
WBGT ( Wet Bulb Globe Temperature – Wet bulb temperature and globe
thermometer) is one of the indexes used to determinate the occupational heat
It represents the value, related to the metabolic expenditure linked to a specific
work activity, that causes a thermal stress when exceeded.
WBGT index combines the temperature measurement of wet bulb with natural
ventilation tnw with the globe thermometer tg and, in some situations, with the air
temperature ta.
The calculation formula is the following:
• inside and outside a buildings in absence of solar radiation:
WBGT close environments = 0, 7 tnw + 0, 3 tg
• outside a building in presence of solar radiation:
WBGToutside environments= 0, 7 tnw + 0, 2 tg + 0, 1 ta
tnw = natural wet bulb;
tg = globe thermometer temperature;
ta = air temperature.
The measured data should be compared with the limit values prescribed by the
when exceeded you have to
• reduce directly the thermal stress on the examined work place;
• proceed to a detailed analysis of the thermal stress.
In order to measure the WBGT index, the following probes should be
• Natural wet bulb HP3201.2.
• TP3276.2 Globe thermometer probe.
• TP3207.2 Dry bulb temperature, of the measurement is performed in
presence of solar radiation.
In order to measure the WBGT index, you should refer to the following
• ISO 7726
• ISO 7243
• ISO 8996
Technical features
Dimensions 185x90x40 mm
( Length x Width x Height)
Weight 470 g ( batteries included)
Materials ABS, rubber
Display back light, with dot-matrix
160x160 points, visible area 52x42mm
Working conditions
Working temperature -5 … 50° C
Storage temperature -25 … 65° C
Working relative humidity 0 … 90% RH no condensation
Protection Degree IP67
Instrument uncertainty ± 1 digit @ 20° C
Power supply
Mains power supply ( code SWD10) 12Vdc/ 1A
Batteries 4 batteries 1.5V type AA
Autonomy 200 hours with 1800mAh alkaline batteries
Power absorbed with < 45¼ A
instrument off
Safety of the stored data unlimited
TP3207.2 Temperature probe
Sensor type: Pt100 with thin-film
Accuracy: Class 1/ 3 DIN
Measurement range: -40 ÷ 100 ° C
Resolution: 0.1° C
Temperature drift @ 20° C: 0.003% / ° C
Drift after 1 year: 0.1° C/ year
Connection: 4 wires plus SICRAM module
Connector: 8 female poles DIN45326
Dimensions: Ø = 14 mm L= 150 mm
Response time T95: 15 minutes
TP3276.2 Globe thermometer probe Ø = 50 mm
Sensor type: Pt100
Accuracy: Class 1/ 3 DIN
Measurement range: -10 ÷ 100 ° C
Resolution: 0.1° C
Temperature drift @ 20° C: 0.003% / ° C
Drift after 1 year: 0.1° C/ year
Connection: 4 wires plus SICRAM module
Connector: 8 female poles DIN45326
Stem dimensions: Ø = 8 mm L= 170 mm
Response time T95: 15 minutes
HP3201.2 Natural ventilation wet bulb
Sensor type: Pt100
Accuracy: Class A
Measurement range: 4 ° C ÷ 80 ° C
Resolution: 0.1° C
Temperature drift @ 20° C: 0.003% / ° C
Drift after 1 year: 0.1° C/ year
Connection: 4 wires plus SICRAM module
Connector: 8 female poles DIN45326
Stem dimensions: Ø = 14 mm L= 170 mm
Braid length: 10 cm. at least
Tank capacity: 15 cc.
Tank autonomy: 96 hours with RH= 50% , t = 23° C
Response time T95: 15 minutes
Input for probes with SICRAM module 3 Connectors 8 male poles DIN 45326
Serial Interface:
Pin: M12-8 poles.
Type: RS232C ( EIA/ TIA574) or USB 1.1 o 2.0
not insulated
Baud rate: from 1200 to 38400 baud.
with USB baud= 460800
Data bit: 8
Parity: None
Stop bit: 1
Flow control: Xon-Xoff
Cable length: max 15m
Memory divided in 64 blocks.
Storage capacity 67600 memorizations for each of the 3
Logging interval selectable among: 15, 30 seconds, 1, 2, 5,
10, 15, 20, 30 minutes and 1 hour.
WBGT: Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Meter
PMV: Predicted Mean Vote
HD32.3 – WBGT - PMV Index is an instrument made by Delta Ohm Srl for:
• Analysis of hot environments using WBGT index ( Wet Bulb Glob Temperature:
wet bulb temperature and Globe thermometer) in presence or absence of solar
• Analysis of the moderate warm environments using PMV index ( Predicted Mean
Vote) and PPD index ( Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied) .
Reference Rules:
ISO 7243: Hot environments. Estimation of the heat stress on working man, based
on WBGT index ( wet bulb globe Thermometer) .
ISO 8996: Ergonomics of the thermal environment. Determination of metabolic rate.
ISO 7726: Ergonomics of the thermal environment – Instruments for measuring
physical quantities.
ISO 7730: Moderate thermal environments. Determination of PMV and PPD index
and specification of the condition for thermal comfort.
The instrument is provided with three inputs for probes with SICRAM module: the
SICRAM module interface between the instrument and sensor connected and
communicate the sensor parameters and calibration data to the instrument.
All SICRAM probes can be plugged into any of the inputs: they are automatically
recognized upon turning on the instrument.
The main features of the instrument are:
• Logging: data acquisition and logging In the integral instrument memory. Storage
capacity: 64 different logging sections, sample interval, user selectable.
• Start and stop can be set automatically with the auto-start function,
• Selectable measurement unit of the temperature: ° C, ° F, ° K.
• Date and time of the instrument.
• The display of maximum, minimum, medium statistic parameters and their
• The transfer speed of data via RS232 serial port.
HD32.3 instrument can detect simultaneously the following quantities:
• Globe thermometer temperature Tg with TP3276.2 probe.
• Natural wet bulb temperature Tn with HP3201.2 probe.
• Environment temperature T with TP3207.2 probe.
• Relative humidity RH and environment temperature T with HP3217.2 probe.
• Air speed Va with AP3203.2 probe.
Starting from the measured values, HD32.3 can calculate and display, with
TP3207.2, HP3276.2, and HP3201.2 probes, the following indexes:
• WBGT ( in) Index ( Wet Bulb Glob Temperature: wet bulb temperature and globe
thermometer) in absence of solar radiation.
• WBGT ( out) Index ( Wet Bulb Glob Temperature: wet bulb temperature and globe
thermometer) in presence of solar radiation.
Starting from the measured values, the HD32.3 instrument can calculate and
display, with TP3217.2, HP3276.2, and AP3203.2 probes, the following indexes:
• Medium radiant temperature Tr.
• PMV Index ( Predicted Mean Vote) .
• PPD Index ( Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied) .
WBGT ( Wet Bulb Globe Temperature – wet bulb and globe temperature) is one of
the indexes used to determinate the occupational heat exposure.
It represents the value, related to the metabolic expenditure linked to a specific
work activity, that causes a thermal stress when exceeded.
WBGT index combines the measurement of wet bulb temperature tnw with natural
ventilation with the globe thermometer temperature tg and, in some situations,
with the air temperature ta.
The calculation formula is the following:
• inside and outside the buildings in absence of solar radiation:
WBGTclose environments = 0, 7 tnw + 0, 3 tg
• outside the buildings in presence of solar radiation:
WBGToutside environments= 0, 7 tnw + 0, 2 tg + 0, 1 ta
tnw = wet bulb temperature with natural ventilation;
tg = globe thermometer temperature;
ta = air temperature.
The measured data should be compared with the limit values prescribed by the
when exceeded you have to
• reduce directly the thermal stress on the examined work place;
• proceed to a detailed analysis of the thermal stress.
In order to measure the WBGT index, the following probes should be
• Natural wet bulb HP3201.2.
• TP3276.2 Globe thermometer probe.
• TP3207.2 Dry bulb temperature, of the measurement is performed in
presence of solar radiation.
In order to measure the WBGT index, you should refer to the following
• ISO 7726
• ISO 7243
• ISO 8996
Human thermal comfort is defined by ASHRAE ( American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers INC) as the state of mind that
expresses satisfaction with the surrounding living or working environment.
The evaluation of this subjective condition can be objectified and quantified using
integrated index that consider the micro climatic environment parameters ( Ta, Tr,
Va, rh) , and the work-related energy metabolic expenditure MET, and the typology
of clothing ( thermal insulation CLO) commonly used.
Among these indexes, the most precise one reflecting the influence of the above
mentioned physical and physiological variables on thermal comfort is PMV
( Predicted Mean Vote) .
Synthetically, it comes from the equation of the thermal balance whose result is
compared to a scale of psycho - physical health and expresses the average opinion
( average foreseen vote) about the thermal sensations of a group of subjects.
From PMV is derived a second index called PPD ( Predicted Percentage of
Dissatisfied) that quantifies the percentage of subjects who will be dissatisfied with
some micro climatic conditions.
ISO 7730 regulations suggests PMV use in presence of following variables that
influence the thermal balance:
• Metabolic expenditure = 1 ÷ 4 met
• Thermal resistance of clothing = 0 ÷ 2 clo
• Dry bulb temperature = 10 ÷ 30° C
• Medium radiant temperature = 10 ÷ 40° C
• Air speed = 0 ÷ 1 m/ sec
• Water vapour pressure = 0 ÷ 2, 7 kpa
PMV is a particularly suitable index for the evaluation of work places with
moderate microclimate such as houses, schools, offices, research laboratories,
hospitals, and is useful to predict the number of people likely to feel uncomfortably
warm or cool.
According to ISO 7730 PMV values range between + 0, 5 and - 0, 5, provides
comfort conditions corresponding to a percentage of dissatisfied ( PPD) lower than
10% .
( see table below) .
Average radiant temperature Tr
The average radiant temperature is defined as the temperature of thermally uniform
simulated environment that would exchange with a man the same thermal radiation
power exchanged in the real environment.
In order to evaluate the average radiant temperature, it is necessary to measure:
the globe thermometer temperature, the air temperature, and the air speed
measured close to the globe thermometer.
Dimensions 185x90x40 mm
( Length x Width x Height)
Weight 470 g ( batteries included)
Materials ABS, rubber
Display Back light, dot-matrix
160x160 points, visible area 52x42mm
Working Conditions
Working temperature -5 … 50° C
Storage temperature -25 … 65° C
Working relative humidity 0 … 90% RH no condensation
Protection Degree IP67
Instrument uncertainty ± 1 digit @ 20° C
Power supply
Mains power supply ( cod. SWD10) 12Vdc/ 1A
Batteries 4 batteries 1.5V type AA
Autonomy 200 hours with 1800mAh alkaline batteries
Power absorbed with < 45¼ A
instrument off
Safety of the stored data Unlimited
TP3207.2 temperature probe
Sensor type: Pt100 with thin film
Accuracy: Class 1/ 3 DIN
Measurement range: -40 ÷ 100 ° C
Resolution: 0.1° C
Temperature drift @ 20° C: 0.003% / ° C
Drift after 1 year: 0.1° C/ year
Connection: 4 wires plus SICRAM module
Connector: 8 female poles DIN45326
Dimensions: Ø = 14 mm L= 150 mm
Response time T95: 15 minutes
TP3276.2 globe thermometer probe Ø = 50 mm
Sensor type: Pt100
Accuracy: Class 1/ 3 DIN
Measurement range: -10 ÷ 100 ° C
Resolution: 0.1° C
Temperature drift @ 20° C: 0.003% / ° C
Drift after 1 year: 0.1° C/ year
Connection: 4 wires plus SICRAM module
Connector: 8 female poles DIN45326
Stem dimension: Ø = 8 mm L= 170 mm
Response time T95: 15 minutes
HP3201.2 Natural wet bulb
Sensor type: Pt100
Accuracy: Class A with platinum wire
Measurement range: 4 ° C ÷ 80 ° C
Resolution: 0.1° C
Temperature drift @ 20° C: 0.003% / ° C
Drift after 1 year: 0.1° C/ year
Connection: 4 wires plus SICRAM Module
Connector: 8 female poles DIN45326
Stem dimension: Ø = 14 mm L= 170 mm
Braid length: 10 cm. at least
Tank capacity: 15 cc.
Tank autonomy: 96 hours with RH= 50% , t = 23° C
Response time T95: 15 minutes
HP3217.2 Combined temperature and relative humidity probe
Sensor type: Pt100 with thin film for temperature
Capacitive sensor for relative humidity
Temperature accuracy: 1/ 3 DIN
Relative humidity accuracy: ± 2% RH ( 15 ÷ 90 % RH) @ 20° C
± 2.5% RH remaining range
Measuring range: temperature: -10 ° C ÷ 80 ° C
relative humidity: 5% ÷ 98% RH
Connection: 4 wires plus SICRAM Module
Connector: 8 female poles DIN45326
Dimensions: Ø = 14 mm L= 150 mm
Response time T95: 15 minutes
Resolution: 0.1% RH, 0.1% ° C
AP3203.2 Omnidirectional hot wire probe
Sensor type: NTC 10kohm
Accuracy: ± 0.05 m/ s ( 0÷ 1 m/ s)
± 0.15 m/ s ( 1÷ 5 m/ s)
Measuring range: 0÷ 5 m/ s
0 ° C ÷ 80 ° C
Connection: 7 wires plus SICRAM Module
Connector: 8 female poles DIN45326
Stem dimension: Ø = 8 mm L= 230 mm
Protection dimension: Ø = 80 mm
Resolution: 0.01 m/ s
Temperature drift @ 20° C: 0.06% / ° C
Drift after 1 year: 0.12 ° C/ years
Input for SICRAM module probes 3 Connectors 8 male poles DIN 45326
Serial interface:
Pin: M12-8 poles.
Type: RS232C ( EIA/ TIA574) or USB 1.1 o 2.0 no
Baud rate: from 1200 to 38400 baud.
with USB baud= 460800
Data bit: 8
Parity: None
Stop Bit: 1
Flow Control: Xon-Xoff
Cable length: max 15m
Memory divided in 64 blocks.
Storage capacity 67600 memorizations for each of 3 inputs.
Logging interval selectable among: 15, 30 seconds, 1, 2, 5,
10, 15, 20, 30 minutes and 1 hour.

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