HD2205.2 - HD2206.2 - HD2256.2 - HD2259.2 - HD22569.2 pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and temperature, Merk : DeltaOhm[11 Nov. 2009, 1:04:51]
Conductivity meter alat ukur daya hantar listrik dalam air
The instrument series HD2205.2, HD2206.2, HD2256.2, HD2259.2, and
HD2569.2 is made up of bench top instruments for electrochemical measures:
pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and temperature. They are fitted with a
large backlighted LCD display.
The HD2205.2 is equipped with two BNC inputs for the measurement of pH,
mV, redox potential ( ORP) with pH or redox electrodes, or electrodes with separate
reference, and one input for combined pH/ temperature probes fitted with
SICRAM module.
The HD2206.2 measures conductivity, resistivity in liquids, total disssolved
solids ( TDS) , and salinity with combined 4-ring and 2-ring conductivity/ temperature
probes. The conductivity probes can have a direct input or with SICRAM
module. The inputs are separate.
The HD2256.2 measures pH, mV, redox potential ( ORP) with pH, redox electrodes
or electrodes with separate reference. Conductivity and resistivity in liquids,
total dissolevd solids ( TDS) and salinity with combined 4-ring and 2-ring
conductivity/ temperature probes. The conductivity probes can have a direct input
or with SICRAM module. The inputs are separate.
The HD2259.2 measures pH, mV, redox potential ( ORP) with pH, redox electrodes
or electrodes with separate reference; the concentration of dissolved oxygen
in liquids ( in mg/ l) , and saturation index ( in % ) , using SICRAM combined
probes of polarographic type with two or three electrodes and integrated temperature
The HD22569.2 measures pH, mV, redox potential ( ORP) with pH, redox electrodes
or electrodes with separate reference; conductivity, resistivity in liquids,
total dissolved solids ( TDS) and salinity with combined 4-ring and 2-ring conductivity/ temperature probes with direct input or SICRAM module; concentration of dissolved oxygen in liquids ( in mg/ l) and saturation index ( in % ) , using SICRAM combined probes of polarographic type with two or three electrodes and integrated temperature sensor.
Al models are fitted with input for the measurement of temperature with Pt100 or Pt1000 immersion, penetration or contact probes.
The probes are equipped with
an automatic detection module, with the factory calibration settings already being memorized inside.
The pH electrode calibration can be carried out on one or fi ve points and the calibration sequence can be chosen from a list of 13 buffers.
� The pH electrode calibration can be carried out on one or fi ve points and the calibration sequence can be chosen from a list of 13 buffers Temperature compensation can be automatic or manual.
� The conductivity probe calibration can be performed automatically with automatically detected conductivity calibration solutions: 147¼ S/ cm, 1413¼ S/ cm, 12880¼ S/ cm or 111800¼ S/ cm or manually with calibration solutions having different
� The dissolved Oxygen probe' s quick calibration function guarantees timely correctness of the performed measurements.
� Conductivity, dissolved oxygen and temperature probes fi tted with SICRAM module can store factory and calibration data inside.
The instruments of the series HD22� are datalogger, they memorize up to
2, 000 samples of data:
� pH, mV and temperature: HD2205.2
� conductivity or resistivity or TDS or salinity and temperature: HD2206.2
� pH or mV, conductivity or resistivity or TDS or salinity and temperature:
� pH or mV, concentration of dissolved oxygen or saturation index and saturation index and temperature: HD2259.2,
� pH or mV, conductivity or resistivity or TDS or salinity, concentration of dissolved oxygen and temperature: HD22569.2.
The data can be transferred from the instrument connected to a PC via the multistandard RS232C serial port and USB 2.0. The storing parameters can be configured using the menu.
The RS232C serial port can be used to transfer the acquired measurements to a 24 column portable printer in real time ( S� print-BT) .
The instruments equipped with HD22BT ( Bluetooth) option can transfer data without any connection to a PC or printer fi tted with Bluetooth input or through
Bluetooth/ RS232C converter.
The software DeltaLog11 allows instrument management and configuration, and data processing on PC.
The instruments have IP66 protection degree
Technical characteristics of the instruments series HD22�
Common technical data
Dimensions ( Length x Width x Height) 265x185x70mm
Weight 490g
Materials ABS, rubber
Display Back lighted, matrix point display.
240x64 points, visible area: 128x35mm
Operating conditions
Working temperature -5 � 50° C
Storing temperature -25 � 65° C
Working relative humidity 0 � 90% R.H. without condensate
Protection degree IP66
Power Mains adapter ( cod. SWD10)
12Vdc/ 1A
Auxiliary socket For supplying of electrode holder with built-in
stirrer HD22.2
Security of memorized data
Date and hour Real time schedule with backup battery E
3.6V - ½ AA
Accuracy 1min/ month max drift
Measured values storing
Quantity 2000 screens
Storage interval 1s � 999s
Calibration storage
Quantity Last 8 calibrations of each physical
RS232C serial interface
Type RS232C electrically isolated
Baud rate Can be set from 1200 to 115200 baud
Data bit 8
Parity None
Stop bit 1
Flow Control Xon/ Xoff
Length of serial cable Max 15m
USB Interface
Type 1.1 - 2.0 electrically isolated
USB Interface optional
EMC standard regulations
Security EN61000-4-2, EN61010-1 level 3
Electrostatic discharge EN61000-4-2 level 3
Electric fast transients EN61000-4-4 level 3,
EN61000-4-5 level 3
Voltage variations EN61000-4-11
Electromagnetic interference
susceptibility IEC1000-4-3
Electromagnetic interference
emission EN55020 class B
Technical characteristics HD2205.2 pH -mV - ° C - ° F measurement
Measured values
pH - mV - ° C - ° F
Input for temperature probes 8-pole male DIN45326 connector
with SICRAM modulen
Inputs pH/ mV j - k female BNC
Inputs for SICRAM module 8-pole male DIN45326 connector
pH/ temperature l a. m
Serial interface DB9 connector ( 9- pole male)
USB interface USB connector type B
Bluetooth Optional
Mains adapter 2- pole connector ( � 5.5mm-2.1mm) .
Positive at centre.
Socket for power supply of electrode 2 -pole connector ( � 5.5mm-2.1mm) .
holder with built-in magnetic stirrer Positive at centre ( output 12Vdc/ 200mA max) .
Measurement of pH by instrument
Measuring range -9.999� + 19.999pH
Resolution 0.01 o 0.001pH selectable from menu
Accuracy ± 0.001pH ± 1digit
Input impedance > 1012©
Calibration error @ 25° C | Offset| > 20mV
Slope > 63mV/ pH o Slope 106.5% or Senstivity < 85%
Calibration points Up to 5 points from a list of 13 automatically detected
Automatically detected pH standard 1.679pH - 2.000pH - 4.000pH - 4.008pH - 4.010pH
solutions ( @ 25° C) 6.860pH - 6.865pH - 7.000pH - 7.413pH - 7.648pH
9.180pH - 9.210pH - 10.010pH
Measurement of mV by instrument
Measuring range -1999.9� + 1999.9mV
Resolution 0.1mV
Accuracy ± 0.1mV ± 1digit
Drift after 1 year 0.5mV/ year
Measurement of temperature by instrument
Pt100 Measuring range -50� + 150° C
Pt1000 Measuring range -50� + 150° C
Resolution 0.1° C
Accuracy ± 0.1° C ± 1digit
Drift after 1 year 0.1° C/ year
USB 8-pole male DIN 45326 Vdc