Anggota Gratis
 Katalog Produk:HD32.2 WBGT Index   HD32.3 WBGT PMV AREA HEAT STRESS MONITOR  Katalog Produk:RAIN DETECTOR, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:THREE AXIS ULTRASONIC ANEMOMETER, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD2205.2   HD2206.2   HD2256.2   HD2259.2   HD22569.2 pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and temperature, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD25.2 Turbidity, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD 2010Integrating Sound Level Meter   Portable Analyzer, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:ANEMOMETER/ THERMO ANEMOMETERS HD2103.1 AND HD2103.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:DISSOLVED OXYGEN ( DO Meter)   DATA LOGGER DO9709, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:PORTABLE MULTIFUCTION DATA LOGGER INSTRUMENT DO 9847, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:DUAL REGULATING INDICATOR WITH MICROPROCESSOR CONFIGURATION AND TWO INPUTS, FOR VOLTAGE OR CURRENT DO9404,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:CONFIGURABLE MICROPROCESSOR INDICATOR CURRENT OR VOLTAGE INPUT HD9022,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:CONDUCTIVITY TRANSMITTERS DO9786T R1   DO9766T R1,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:Passive pressure transmitters with DIN 43650   45326 connector HD 2004T   HD 20V4T   HD9408T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:RELATIVE OR DIFFERENTIAL ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS HD 408T   HD 4V8T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:Transmitters for illuminance and irradiance measurements HD 2021T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:pH/mV TRANSMITTER DO 9403T R1,  Merk : Deltaohm  Katalog Produk:DO 9785T/DO 9765T pH transmitters,  Merk : Deltaohm  Katalog Produk:HD 2010UC/A Integrating Sound Level Meter   Portable Analyzer, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:pH METER   CONDUCTIVITY METER   THERMOMETER HD2156.1 AND HD2156.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:CONDUCTIVITY METERS   THERMOMETERS HD2106.1 AND HD2106.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD9008TR   HD9009TR RH AND TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERS,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:INDICATORS OF TEMPERATURE, HUMIDITY, PRESSURE AND AIR SPEEDENVIRONMENTAL MEASUREMENTS WITH DIGITAL OR ANALOG OUTPUT HD2001   HD2001.1.2.3,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:ACTIVE AND PASSIVE TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY TRANSMITTER DO 9861T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:ACTIVE TRANSMITTER AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY HYGROSTAT HD 2017T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:ACTIVE HUMIDITY AND HUMIDITY TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERSWITH CONFIGURABLE TEMPERATURE WORKING RANGE HD 2011T   HD 2012T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:PASSIVE 4÷20MA HUMIDITY AND TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERS WITH CONFIGURABLE TEMPERATURE WORKING RANGE HD2007T   HD2008T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:PASSIVE HYGROTRANSMITTER HD797T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:SIGNAL CONVERTERS / AMPLIFIERS WITH 4÷20mA OR 0÷10Vdc OUTPUT CONFIGURABLE WITH HD788 TCAL BY PC THROUGH RS232C,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:THE HD 588 MODULAR SIGNAL CONVERTER,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:THE HD 688T MODULAR TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:Pt100 SIMULATOR HD2047,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:CONFIGURABLE TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERS 4÷20 mA FOR Pt100 SENSORS HD 788TR1   HD 788TR1 I   HD 786TR1   HD 988TR1 HD 988TR1 I   HD 988TR2,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD2717T Transmitter, indicator, ON/OFF regulator, temperature and humidity data logger with interchangeable probe, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD3604T…, HD36V4T… Relative Pressure Transmitters,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD2013 TIPPING BUCKET RAIN GAUGE & HD2013 D DATALOGGER TO MEASURE RAINFALL,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:LP UVB 02 RADIOMETRIC PROBE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL USE,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:LP PHOT 02 PHOTOMETRIC PROBE, LP UVA 02 RADIOMETRIC PROBE,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:PYRANOMETERS   ALBEDOMETERS   NET IRRADIANCE METER,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD 9408T BARO, HD 9408TR BARO, HD 9908T BARO, HD 9408PS 50 Barometric pressure transmitters Static port for barometric measurements,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:QUANTUM PHOTO RADIOMETER AND THERMOMETER   DATALOGGER DO 9721,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD32.7   HD32.8.8   HD32.8.16,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD3405.2   HD3406.2   HD3409.2   HD3456.2 pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and temperature,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD 98569 pH   Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen   Temperature, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:DISSOLVED OXYGEN   TEMPERATURE METERS HD2109.1 AND HD2109.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:pH METER   CONDUCTIVITY METER   THERMOMETER HD2156.1 AND HD2156.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:CONDUCTIVITY METER   THERMOMETER HD2306.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:pH AND mV SIMULATOR HD9609, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:TEMPERATURE pH METER HD2305.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:TEMPERATURE   pH METERS HD2105.1 AND HD2105.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:CALIBRATORS FOR SOUND LEVEL METERS HD9101 AND HD9102, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD 2110 Integrating Sound Level Meter â€“ Portable Analyzer, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD 2010UC Integrating Sound Level Meter, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD 2010 MCTC  Integrated Sound level meter approved by the Ministry of Transport, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:PHOTO RADIOMETER HD2302.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:PHOTO RADIOMETERS HD2102.1 AND HD2102.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:MICROMANOMETERS WITH PITOT TUBE THERMOMETERS HD2114P.0, HD2114P.2, HD2134P.0, HD2134P.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:DO2003 AIR SPEED AND FLOW RATE   TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE/RELATIVE HUMIDITY   PRESSURE, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:THERMO ANEMOMETER HD2303.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:MICROMANOMETER   THERMOMETER HD2114.0, HD2114.2, HD2134.0, HD2134.2, HD2164.0, HD2164.0BAROMETER   THERMOMETER HD2114B.0, HD2114B.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:MANOMETER   THERMOMETER  HD2304.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:MANOMETER   THERMOMETER HD2124.1 AND HD2124.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HYGRO THERMOMETER HD2301.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HYGRO THERMOMETERS HD2101.1 AND HD2101.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:THERMOCOUPLE THERMOMETER WITH TWO INPUTS HD2328.0,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:THERMOCOUPLE THERMOMETERS: K, J, T, N, R, S, B, E,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:RTD â€“ TC  THERMOMETERSPt100 AND TC INPUT, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:RTD  THERMOMETERS HD2307.0SENSORS: Pt100, Pt1000  Katalog Produk:RTD THERMOMETERS HD2107.1 AND HD2107.2 SENSORS: Pt100, Pt1000, Ni1000, NTC 
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HD2717T Transmitter, indicator, ON/OFF regulator, temperature and humidity data logger with interchangeable probe, Merk : DeltaOhm[23 Jul. 2009, 1:32:06]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Negara AsalItalia


The instruments of the HD2717T... series are transmitters, indicators, and ON/OFF
regulators with data logging functions, they measure temperature and humidity.
The main feature of these instruments is their interchangeable probe. The probe
can be replaced by the user without process interruption. Thus, the probe can be
calibrated or repaired at a later time.
The instrument is available in three different versions: with horizontal probe (S.TO),
vertical probe (S.TV) or with remote probe (S.TC), having the probe connected to the
electronics by means of a cable of various lengths. The S.TO and S.TV probes are
made of stainless steel AISI304, the S.TC probes can be of stainless steel AISI304
or POCAN (plastic material).
The probe is factory calibrated and ready to use, it is provided with a SICRAM2
module which stores the calibration data of the probe, allowing the interchangeability
of the probes.
The instruments measure:
• Temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit temperature scale
• Relative humidity
and calculate:
• Absolute humidity
• Mixing Ratio
• Dew point
All models have both current and voltage outputs.
Some models are fitted with two control relays and one alarm relay, configurable by
the user.
All models are fitted with a multistandard RS232/RS485 serial port and an auxiliary
RS232C standard serial output. The RS485 serial output allows the management of
more than one device in a network.
The models HD2717T... can be with or without LCD. The display shows on the first
line the relative humidity or a derived parameter and on the second line the temperature
in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.
The data logger function allows to store the measures with a selectable storage
The instrument setup remains permanently stored, while the real time clock is protected
by an apposite Lithium battery against temporary mains voltage interruptions.
The power supply can be chosen, at the time of placing the order, between 24Vac/
dc or universal 90...240Vac.
Instrument versions and available probes
HD2717Tx-0x Absent
HD2717Tx-Dx Custom LCD
HD2717Tx-x0 Absent
HD2717Tx-xR 2 control relays with change-over contact.
1 alarm relay with normally open contact.
Type of probe
HD2717T.xx Instrument with vertical probe S.TV or probe with cable S.TC.
HD2717TO.xx Instrument with horizontal probe S.TO.
Probes complete with SICRAM2 module for instruments HD2717T.xx
The material of the S.TC...probes can be chosen between stainless steel AISI304
or POCAN plastic material.
S.TC1.2 Probe L=130mm with cable 2m
S.TC1.2P Probe L=130mm with cable 2m (POCAN probe)
S.TC1.5 Probe L=130mm with cable 5m
S.TC1.5P Probe L=130mm with cable 5m (POCAN probe)
S.TC1.10 Probe L=130mm with cable 10m
S.TC1.10P Probe L=130mm with cable 10m (POCAN probe)
S.TC2.2 Probe L=330mm with cable 2m
S.TC2.2P Probe L=330mm with cable 2m ( POCAN probe)
S.TC2.5 Probe L=330mm with cable 5m
S.TC2.5P Probe L=330mm with cable 5m (POCAN probe)
S.TC2.10 Probe L=330mm with cable 10m
S.TC2.10P Probe L=330mm with cable 10m (POCAN probe)
Probes complete with SICRAM2 module for instruments HD2717TO.xx
S.TO1 horizontal probe L= 130mm
S.TO2 horizontal probe L= 330mm
Technical specifics (@ 24Vac and 20°C)
Temperature Sensor Pt100 classe 1/3 DIN
Working range of the
-50 ... +200°C (-58 ...+392°F)
Humidity Relative humidity %RH 5 ... 98%RH
Working range of the
sensor in temperature
-50 ... +150°C
(Special configurations up to 180°C
available on request)
Dew point TD -50 ... +100°C
Absolute humidity 0 ... 600g/m3
Mixing ratio 0 ... 2000g/kg of dry air
Accuracy of the
measured physical
Temperature Pt100 ±0.25°C
Relative humidity %RH
±2.5%RH (5...90%RH)
±3.0%RH (90...98%RH)
Accuracy of the calculated
physical quantities
See table in the following
Response time
3min with grid protection (at 20°C
and 0.5m/s)
Communications Type RS232C and RS485 Multidrop
Baud Rate
9600 baud
57600 baud non-permanent
Physical quantities Measured Temperature, relative humidity
Dew point, absolute humidity,
(mixing ratio).
Output types
4...20mA; 0...20mA
0...10Vdc; 2…10Vdc
Load resistance
Current output: 500© max
Voltage output: 100k© min
Resolution 16bit
Accuracy analog outputs ±0.05% f.s. @20°C
In case of measuring error
(exceeding of the operating
limits, faulty or not connected
Idc = 22mA
Vdc = 11V
Relay Working relay
2 x 3A/250Vac Load resistance,
1 change-over contact
Alarm relay
1 x 3A/250Vac Load resistance,
1 with normally open contact
Power supply Versions
24Vdc / 24Vac 50…60Hz, ±10%
90 ... 240Vac 50…60Hz
Average consumption 3W
Data logger Storage capacity 9000 samples in max. 256 sessions
Storage type Circular memory
Stored parameters
Temperature, relative humidity, dew point,
absolute humidity, mixing ratio, analog outputs
1 and 2, relay status1, 2, 3.
Storage interval
1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 60 seconds, 2 and 4 minutes
Real time clock Type
Real time with
Lithium buffer battery
Accuracy ±1min/month
for Windows® 98 to XP operating systems
Display LCD Custom segment LCD
Ambient working
conditions of the
Operating temperature -20…+60°C
Relative humidity 0…90%RH - No condensate
Static working pressure
of the sensors
12 bar max.
Storage temperature -30…+80°C
Housing L x H x W 143x154x61
Weight 600g
Material ABS
Degree of protection Electronics IP65
Accuracy of the calculated physical quantities
The accuracy of the calculated physical quantities depends on the accuracy of the
relative humidity and temperature calibration. The provided values refer to an accuracy
of ±2.5%RH, ±0.25°C, 1013.25mbar.
Models with vertical probe (S.TV) or separated probe with cable (S.TC)
HD2717T.00: Model of without display and without relay.
HD2717T.0R: Model of without display, with configurable control relays (2) and alarm relay (1).
HD2717T.D0: Model of with custom display, without relay.
HD2717T.DR: Model of with custom display, with configurable control relays (2) and
alarm relay (1).
Models for horizontal duct probe (S.TO)
HD2717TO.00: Model without display and without relay.
HD2717TO.0R: Model without display, with configurable control relays (2) and alarm relay (1).
HD2717TO.D0: Model with custom display, without relay.
HD2717TO.DR: Model with custom display, with configurable control relays (2) and
alarm relay (1).
Interchangeable temperature and humidity probes with SICRAM2 module, vertical
S.TV or with cable S.TC
S.TV: Vertical probe. Length of stem 130mm.
The material of the S.TC...probes can be chosen between stainless steel AISI304 or
POCAN plastic material.
S.TC1.2: Probe with cable. Length of stem 130mm, length of the cable 2m.
S.TC1.2P: Probe with cable. Length of stem 130mm, length of the cable 2m. Made of POCAN.
S.TC1.5: Probe with cable. Length of stem 130mm, length of the cable 5m.
S.TC1.5P: Probe with cable. Length of stem 130mm, length of the cable 5m. Made of POCAN.
S.TC1.10: Probe with cable. Length of stem 130mm, length of the cable 10m.
S.TC1.10P: Probe with cable. Length of stem 130mm, length of the cable 10m. Made
S.TC2.2: Probe with cable. Length of stem 330mm, length of the cable 2m.
S.TC2.2P: Probe with cable. Length of stem 330mm, length of the cable 2m. Made of POCAN.
S.TC2.5: Probe with cable. Length of stem 330mm, length of the cable 5m.
S.TC2.5P: Probe with cable. Length of stem 330mm, length of the cable 5m. Made of POCAN.
S.TC2.10: Probe with cable. Length of stem 330mm, length of the cable 10m.
S.TC2.10P: Probe with cable. Length of stem 330mm, length of the cable 10m. Made
Interchangeable temperature and humidity probe with SICRAM2 module, horizontal
S.TO1: Horizontal probe for instrument HD2717TO.xx. Length of stem 130mm.
S.TO2: Horizontal probe for instrument HD2717TO.xx. Length of stem 330mm.
RS27: RS232 null-modem serial connection cable with 9 poles sub-D 9 female connector
and 3 pole connector for COM AUX port. (Included in the supply of the
instruments without display).
DeltaLog12: Further unit of software for PC connection, data download, instrument
setup, and management of an instrument network. For operative systems Windows
® 98 to XP.
HD75: 75%RH saturated solution for checking the relative humidity sensor, complete

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